Whenever I call my 3 years old daughter, I will ask her what is she doing and she will reply,"I'm talking to you". Offcourse thats not the answer I was looking for so I will rephrase my question, "What are you doing before that?", and she will reply either watching television, playing or having lunch.
No matter how many times I call her, she will still give the same answer-"I'm talking to you!". That amuse me so I purposely asking the same question again and again because I like to hear what she says.
We were also like that when we were kids, remember? We will give sincere , honest answer. We speak from our heart not our head. After we grew older and start schooling, bit by bit we were changed by our surrounding. When we speak straightforward, we always ridicule by peers. They make fun of us. So we also join the club. We are not so straightorward anymore
But worse when we become teenager. We want to be a bit naughty. if we are good, we will be labelled naive, innocent, or whatever term that initially have good meaning but being misuse to portrage a bad image. Shouldn't we be innocent?
When we become adult, it is a disaster. We forget everything. We learn so much, so we want to be smarter, look smarter, deem smarter. We use our head more and more and we forget our heart. We always look for second meaning and always negative things come first.
This world will surely become a better world if we can learn from kids. Do not bother what people say. Small things matter, small change makes difference. A split second diferentiate champion from Ist runner up. So, will you answer, "I'm talking to you.."?
and god knows better..
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