This is the longest title I ever write so far in this blog. Can't compress it. Hope I confuse you so that you have to revisit again this blog..

Last night I went to ATM machine to deposit some money. Only after that I realize that I left my car key inside the car so I cannot go back. Instead of became upset and curse myself, I called Abang MB to fetch me and we have a drink together with Backpacker and Kecik. For me- what happen to you is not as important as how you react to what happen to you..
We have a good chat. We talked about how we miss a good opportunity to make money few years back when we invest in second best deal, not the best deal. Again..the most important think is not the opportunity itself but how we act on the opportunity..
On the way back, I was stopped by police man. There was a roadblock which I did not notice. My offence was failed to stop at red light. Actually I have no intention to violate the traffic light, but I was too dwelling looking on the right where suddenly all cars change their lane. But thats not the point. The point is when the policeman ask what was my offence, I admit quickly that it is all my mistake. I did not try to argue at all. Maybe because of that, the policeman let me go without issuing a summons. So, the principle agains work- What happen to you is not as important as how you react to what happen to you..
I face double trouble last night and I was saved in both occasions. Thanks god. That's reinforced my believe- What Happen To Me Is Not As Important As How I React To What Happen To Me!
..and god knows better..
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