Chapter one- No risk No pain, No pain No gain..
Whenever came prayers time, Prophet Muhammad will call his companion Bilal and said,"rest us Bilal..". As Prophet muhammad and his companions are working hard, prayer is the time for them to have relaxation/ meditation towards god the almighty. They are charging their body and mind so that they become more energatic afterwards..
Our strength is our number. Lets practice what we do during prayer in our daily life- straighten the line and move closer. I'm sure we can achieve whatever we want to achieve..
The beauty is that none of us are similar in our traits and capablities. Like fingers- each have their own unique features and responsibilities, some good in accounting, others good in ehem..ehem talking, thinking?, technical thing, or sleeping..Then we can complement each others (except for sleeping)
The only problem I can see clearly is that none of us have ball enough to take the risk hik..hik.. You know what I mean..how to grab a big thing if we still hold small cookies in a our palms?
Last few days, I was talking to Abang MB and he mentioned, there are 3 things we must overcome to be successful. First thing is risk. But unlucky for me that Abang MB forgot to mention the other two. Hopefully he can share his wisdom here. Even if he is not successful (yet), at least somebody outside there can pick up the thing and be successful (wish I'll be the first)..

Chapter 2- Superman factor!

Some time I have so many ideas that my finger cannot cope with my thinking. I'll be like a crazy and pathetic man try to type as fast as I can but to no avail.. People said that ideas is worth more than money but when I offer them money or ideas.. they always choose money...
I think because most of us are short-sighted. We should get a spectacle or binocular to improve our range..as some people say.." don't under estimate the stupidity of a mass!"
I hope we can open a new chapter in our brain after this. Quoting Abang MB .."if you want to be successful, you must have a superman factor!" What he meant actually Superman is more successful than other super heroes and is more remembered because he wear pants outside!
So I keep cracking my head to find the Superman factor untill now still not find it. Everytime I found ideas in relation to my retail stockist business, Abang MB commented- thats good idea..but not good enough!
Maybe what we can do is regroup and restrategize- brainstorming/ brainwashing at place far from our routine place. Maybe we should go for outing, spend time and all our money for 2 weeks oversea to 'oversee' new ideas, strategy, process...in short a Superman factor..remember ideas is worth your money!

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