Today is a long day. I have so many things to do with so little time. I got testing of new system to complete, entertain customers, reports, settle branch problems and so on and so forth. They all came unexpectedly at the same time and demanding my time. The testing was also not going smoothly and I have to find solution to the problem
During lunch break, I pray to god to give me solution.. Beutifully after break and I just step in, one staff inform that they already find the solution and just need me to update certain information. Then I have to settle branch problem, not just one but 2 rare problems exist and beautifully I just got the right person to handle the matter and the good thing is because I maintain good relationship with them, they are willingly to assist (they are not my staff).
When I thought the worse is over, come big order to fulfill! It was most at close trading hour. Now I have to make fast decision- to accept or to reject. Rejection is almost unaccetable because I need to maintain relationship with customer. Thus , I just made bold decision to transact million of dollars. As Ringgit close at 5, I have to rush. Normally by 4.15 all bank squared their position. I called my counterparty but unsuccessful. Normally for big amount, the latest you ask price at 4.00 but now past 4 already.

Another beautiful things happen just half an hour before that. One of my old counterparty suddenly communicate with me and want to reestablish the trades between us. (I stop trade with him for some time because he let me down few times). After how he treated me earlier, I can simply turn down his proposal, instead I said courtasily yes to him. And who knows, I need him in another 30 minutes!
Straight away I called him and ask firmly whether he can do the trade. He has to say yes. That was a tough call for him but he has no choice. He just gave words to me and he has to honor (he came from big bank so have many options)
While waiting a price from him, a project manager come to me and demand an important report right away. It was an urgent matter and the whole testing will delay if I not produce them. I have to ask 5 minutes from her. My head was full with so many other matters also which i don't want to bore you with all the details here
To put in short, in many occasions I have to do a few things at the same time. While asking for price, i got to talk to other person, my hand was typing something, a few task list in my head was taking its turn and so on..
Thanks god I mange to settle everything today. His guidance gve me a strength to overcome all obstacle and give me solutions through other people
I learn a few lessons today:
1. Most of us turn to god when we have no other alternatives. When we have problem, we try to solve ourselves. We forgot to ask help from god. Only after we get stuck and no other way to go, we ask for god help
2. Research says that a lot of people who have overweight problem, addiction to cigarette, drug and alcoholic drink tried to overcome their problem but they failed. After that they turn to god and ask for strength and guidance and they succeed!
3. Why don't we reverse the situation. Instead of seek for god help as a last resort, we put it as a first step. Then we can save energy and time, rather than hovering aroung to find solution ourselves.
4. Are we afraid that god won't help us if we are not desperate enough. I don't think so. In fact god always encourage us to ask as he mention--"Ask and I will give you.."

At the end of the day, while waiting for lift to go down, a friend said ..." En Aziz, you deserve a promotion!" and after what I have gone through for the day I spontaneously replied, " No, I don't want a promotion!". She said"why not? Its a 30% increment" so I have to replied" Really? Now I'm embarassed to admint that I want a promotion!.."

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