Good to see Fahmi pictures after operation and from the pictures assessment, I'm sure averything will be allright..
Back to my ears operation story..I'm a very independent person, so I just inform mom that I need to undergo operation in a few days. Moms a bit worry but I told her everything will be just fine but dad was upset with my decision. He want to bring me to see Dukun (Malay traditional medicine man) but I said to him, "Sorry dad, its too late. I just can't simply cancel the operation!"
After operation and the anaesthetic effect gone, I feel quite a strong pain. Lucky for me, a presence of many young nurses there ease my pain a lot..
I start writing a poetry to make myself busy. One young nurses attract to my poetry and we start befriend. She takes care of me and gave a special treatment-at least that's what I think..
My nurse friend is not the most beautiful nurse but she is the most courteous person I ever met. She will hold my hand as it is easily-broken glass or like holding a baby and she will ask permission on every step she need to move my body..
One week pass by and I ready to go out. I ask her phone number but she don't have one. She likes me a lot so I gave her my home phone number. During that time we don't a have a cellphone yet..
2 days pass by, 3 days pass by she never call me. Maybe she was very busy. 2 years pass by also heard nothing from her..One day I went to Tawakal Hospital, not to see her but to visit a friend who admitted there. To my surprise, we met again. She looks a bit reserved but I know deep down inside, she was excited just like myself
We have a chat. From that I know she did called me twice but on both occasion I'm not at home. As a malay girl I understand, she was very shy to call me many times. Before left I give her my phone number again so that she can call me afterwards..
Again, time pass by but I haven't received any call from my nurse friend. Maybe she did call but I was not around. I just can't stay at home and wait for the phone ring. I have to go out and take care of my other girlfriend too..
To my nurse friend, if you happen to read this by coincidence, please stop looking for me. I'm belong to somebody now. I can't wait for the phone ring forever. Eventhough I forget your name, but you are always special. Hope you meet somebody as atrracted as myself and not just that...somebody that can make you happy just like you make me happy once!
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