Saturday, January 14, 2012

Its Bonus Time!


Heard some of us got bonus already..especially thos who works with ehem.. please settle your bill and also for those who join Tasik Kenyir trip, this is the right time to pay for your portion of collection. Andak has paid in advance and she want to claim first from Taahas. So the rest, please top-up Taahas account

Why aaa I'm always talk about our fund recently?#$%^^. Hope don't boring you so much. Just can't get the better time from this time especially with so many good things happen inluding those who get the 'Bantuan Rakyat' RM 500 hehe..

So Taahasian... apalah kiranya peruntuk sikit bebrapa ratus dari bonus yang beribu tu untuk bayar tunggakan Taahas dan duit collection Tasik Kenyir..


1 comment:

  1. Setuju sangat....apalah kiranya bayar tunggakan tersebut....sebab lagi sakit kepala fikir tak bayar...kalau bayar lega kepala sbb tak, motto hidup janganlah berhutang (kecuali hutang rumah dan kereta.
