Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thousand miles journey

ehem.. good things always comes in small package..this is what they say..therefore, pls bear in mind not to simply brush away small opportunity/es that present themselves. most people awaiting big oppo to react unto.. this 'big' doesnt always surrender at our feet..from such small oppo we make them big.. but the question now how to identify 'small' that is/are potential to becomes 'big'. making them big is the challenges that is entirely up to our capability and passion. knowing your passion is the key towards these 'big'... what is our passion then... ytc has identified tahasian 'passion' as per in his recent blog... Me...too muc talk...uncle black..too muc sleep.. backpacker doin too many things simultaneosly... bolt too muc thinkin.. makcik cun too muc countin.. Ahha.. i dont take those remarks personaly but seriously i'm tryin hard to relates those 'passion' with the potential thay may arise.. ytc maybe jokingly reiterated those remarks on us.. i do agree with some of it.. but for uncle black and backpacker they are exceptionally gifted with excellent creativity...colloborating all these 'passion' we could do something huge by complementing each other and compensating others weaknesses.. i am truely believe in these concept of orchastrating our 'passion' and interwoven it into potential strenght. recently when ytc and i havin makan at bandar tech we talked about the carwash pit nearby..which seem to be runnin a fruitful business eventhough just had opened the business not for so long.. they may not noticed the 'complementing' factor that spawned by the existin restaurant nex to their carwash pit. these are things that we need to consider seriously..'complementing factors'.. comes bros and sis.. together we are undisputable..alone u are vulnerable.. the gift that been bestow upon us is the 'numbers' ..10+1 blessed boys and girl.. that is really 'big' which could produce humongous result...

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